[nycphp-talk] Pitching PHP to a Java House

Matt Juszczak matt at
Thu Jun 30 19:06:34 EDT 2005

As a side note, where I can get some more info on OOP in PHP5? :)  Is 
there a nice book or tutorial for people who already know PHP but not much 

On Thu, 9 Jun 2005, Leila Lappin wrote:

> One word of caution,
> Warning the following is a rant, read with caution or
> don’t read if you don’t want to be bothered,
> With success comes migration of jobs elsewhere and
> more than 100million hungry programmers poised and
> ready to take the jobs away.  Sorry for the trumpet of
> doom and despair but it’s happened before.
> Since I already spilled the beans, let me elaborate a
> little more.  The only reason PHP remains a good
> source of employment in New York is because the big
> boys (mid to large size corporations) don’t take it
> seriously.  Once they start doing so, next thing you
> know they’re importing cheap programmers to do the
> work and whatnot. Let the Java people remain in their
> Java houses and think their big giant cow of a
> language is the best thing that ever happened to the
> IT community.
> With PHP5 becoming the standard installation in all
> shops, we all know that Java loses its lead as a
> better object oriented language and the only thing it
> has to boast.  But let’s keep this a sweet secret.
> Sorry for the rant, I hope I haven’t ruined your
> morning.
> --- Steve Manes <smanes at> wrote:
>> Mark Armendariz wrote:
>>> A good friend mentioned that he usually argues
>> that the development time
>>> is preferable with PHP. Anyone here have resources
>> to share or a good
>>> general direction to walk in with this argument?
>> A company for whom I consult was considering porting
>> their existing ASP
>> software from PHP/Perl to Java.  Their reason had
>> mostly to do with
>> their new tech director and the fact that he only
>> knew Java.
>> Most of my arguments fell on deaf ears.  The one
>> that finally caused the
>> bosses to put the kibosh on the Java porting project
>> was my reminder of
>> how the software is hacked almost daily to add new
>> chrome and doodads
>> for specific ASP clients without affecting the
>> others.  PHP (and Perl)
>> are simply better suited to this sort of ad hoc
>> surgery than Java.
>> It also helped when I told them that their
>> PHP/PostgreSQL production
>> servers had been up for 480 days without a reboot
>> (they were also
>> considering porting to an MS architecture).
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