[nycphp-talk] AWStats vs Webalizer

Thomas O'Neill tommyo at
Tue May 10 10:08:52 EDT 2005

I use urchin for a log analyizer. The company i lease my server through ( <>) offers it for free. You should check 
with your hosting provider to see if its available. It is a very robust, 
very slick, very professional program. It includes a user management system 
that will create users by domain name so if you have a bunch of virtual 
sites you can give them each seperate logins. 


On 5/10/05, Jeff Knight <jeff.knight at> wrote:
> Webalizer is ugly, real ugly, makes me a little queasy just looking at
> it. One of the worst pieces of information design I've ever seen.
> AWStats provides more information, more thoughtfully laid out, and is
> immediatly intuitive to use (i.e. no schooling for clients). However,
> John's point about locking it down are far from paranoid ramblings. My
> personal development site has very little traffic and no public pages
> at all. As I review the logs, over the last couple months pokes at
> AWStats outnumber any other sort of malicious behavior (although phpBB
> seems on its way back up).
> On 5/9/05, Eric Persson <eric at> wrote:
> > Peter Sawczynec wrote:
> > > ....for web log analysis. Comments, evaluations, feedback...
> >
> > Been using webalizer for years, and it works good, shows you what you
> > want to know. However, it needs a short lesson to get clients to like
> > it. It could need some improvement on the guiside, but its sufficient,
> > but many other tools are better here, although I havent found anyone
> > thats better to script and as easy to implement on large virtual hosts.
> >
> > /eric
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Tom O'Neill
tommyo at
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