[nycphp-talk] Market rate for development in NYC

Frank Wong frank_wong2 at
Fri May 27 17:48:27 EDT 2005

So given the information, we have the median of ~$65/hr for a Sr. Web 
Software Developer.  This was determined with the following information.

50 work week per year for full time
40 hour work week
$96,727 for full time Sr Web Software Developer
35% increase in hourly rate for contractors

I guess that makes for a great discrepancy between what my friend was 
quoted ($30/hr) and the median going rate.  It just doesn't make sense.  
He also said that he had been turned down before and the prospect told 
him that he was by far the most qualified person out of all their 
applicants but they just cannot afford him.  Has anyone experienced this 
in NYC?  I am still wondering if there is a difference in how IT work is 
value between the 2 locations that is not represented by those median 
salary numbers.  Or he is just looking in the wrong place for clients, 
but I hardly consider Schwab, SBC, and Intel terrible clients.

Frank Wong

inforequest wrote:

>Keep in mind those numbers are base-pay salaried, not including any bonus. Add 30-40% to cover self-employed benefits for an independent contractor? 
>-----Original Message-----
>	"Andrew Yochum |nyphp dev/internal group use|" <...>
>Sent: May 27, 2005 5:17 PM
>To: NYPHP Talk <talk at>
>Subject: Re: [nycphp-talk] Market rate for development in NYC
>On Fri, May 27, 2005 at 04:54:16PM -0400, Frank Wong wrote:
>>I wanted to survey what people think is the fair market rate per hour 
>>for PHP/MySQL or ASP.NET development.  I just had a conversation with a 
>>friend in San Francisco and he said that it is not uncommon to be 
>>offered $30/hr for ASP.NET work even by large companies like Schwab, 
>>SBC, Intel, etc.  For some background, he is a very experience developer 
>>with 10 years under his belt.  So we are not talking entry level or 
>>junior developer here.  Is that about the same type of rates expected 
>>here in NYC?
>I would say that sounds very low for NYC, especially for someone with 10
>yrs under their belt. confirms that for NYC for a "Web
>Software Developer":
>And also for SF:
>And it goes up for "Web Software Developer, Sr." in NYC:
>And is even higher in SF:
>Is the keyword in your statement "offered"?  Meaning, are they
>low-balling developers with under market rates?  But possibly
>negotiating up... as long as the developer is savvy enough?

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