[nycphp-talk] PHP vs. new ASP.NET 2.0

Jonathan hendler at
Wed Nov 30 18:37:45 EST 2005

Not to "beat a dead horse", but I like open source.
I am developing an extension in C for PHP. I have access to Zend library 
functions as well as the rest of C. (ANSI almost as cross platform as Java)
Not easy in Mono or .NET AFAIK.
Ruby on Rails isn't drag and drop, but the same ideas come to mind about 
code reuse and structured programming (if you need that much structure 
for RAD).

The IDE conversation is always interesting. The best coders I've seen 
use VIM and EMACS and have enough macros to play a keyboard like a 
piano. That's RAD (pun intended)
I use Eclipse, KDevelop, BBEdit, and Dreamweaver depending on what 
platform, lanuage I'm using. They all have subversion plugins, SFTP, 
etc. You may also want to check out Komodo, in addition to Zend studio.
I've used the old Visual Studio out of necessity - but no matter how 
nice Microsoft gets, it's still a golden bird cage.

- Jonathan

Susan Shemin wrote:

> I used to program in VB and C++ and loved the graphical programming 
> environment.  Then, I got into web development and PHP, and all the 
> while "fought" the hand coding and lack of standard code behind 
> objects that I knew in VB.  I tried PHP with Dreamweaver, but the code 
> Dreamweaver created was not "clean" code that could be easily tweaked.
> Microsoft just brought out the Visual Studio 2005 environment, and I'm 
> blown away as I'm learning the web development tools using ASP.NET 2.0 
> with C# or VB which have much of code you can pull in, including Data 
> Binding.  Microsoft is letting anyone try out and use the Express 
> versions for a year.  I love to hear if any professional PHP-ers here 
> have tried it and your comments/comparisons about Visual Studio 2005.
> _
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