[nycphp-talk] art maps

Nasir Zubair nasir81 at
Mon Oct 17 13:38:15 EDT 2005

Hi Tom,

Instead of starting from scratch, try looking into existing gallery
scripts/applications. My favorite one is "Gallery" It's an open source application, so you will be
able to customize it for the functionality that you need. (Unless of course,
you really want to roll out your own package).

On 10/17/05, tom keating <tom at> wrote:
> Hello all,
> we are a funded arts organisation. im not 100% sure if i'm posting to
> the right list.
> i have been trying to adapt php gallery scripts to fit my needs and have
> realized i dont really know what im doing!
> _brief introduction to 'us'_
> Walkingtheland is a long-term initiative led by three Stroud based
> artists, landscape enthusiasts and educators.
> our work has two threads:
> 1. to develop and produce our own work in response to walking through
> the landscape as a group.
> 2. the artists show this work as a catalyst for working with local
> people, artists and others with a keen interest in the landscape.
> Participants are supported in developing their own work in response to
> the walks and this work is then curated on a web-based /e/Gallery. Over
> time this will develop into an archive of responses to local landscape.
> we have arts funding to develop the second thread
> _what we need.
> _
> a dynamic and efficient way of storing and displaying images (and
> eventually movie and sound)
> we are currently using iframes (created by photoshop and simplifying the
> html a little) but its obviously becomes a bit longwinded the more
> images we have the more pages
> (and click on
> the names on the right to see the gallerys)
> at the moment we badly need to start storing images and displaying them
> well. but we have a vision to develop the way the images are displayed
> in the future.
> we want to create 'online' maps of images sounds movies and journeys
> incorporating GIS.
> _any ideas?_
> if anyone has any ideas or can offer any help it would be greatly
> apreciated
> if i hear from anyone then i can be far more specific
> regards tom
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> New York PHP Talk Mailing List
> AMP Technology
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Nasir Zubair
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