[nycphp-talk] XAMPP or EASYPHP and Windows and session wierdness

inforequest 1j0lkq002 at
Sat Apr 8 13:39:08 EDT 2006

Daniel Convissor |nyphp dev/internal 
group use| wrote:

>Hey John:
>On Thu, Apr 06, 2006 at 05:36:24PM -0700, inforequest wrote:
>>This time it's smarty related.... SmartyValidator works fine on any 
>>linux/bsd host but chokes on Windows and as usual I went through all the 
>>work of checking paths and roots and path separators and PHP versions 
>>and testing the smarty install and yet the problem persists.
>There are SEVERAL things that could be out of kilter.
>* Is session.save_path being overridden to something that doesn't 
>exist on your windows box?
Thanks Dan. This is helpful. I checked the php config but not whether it 
was being overwritten.

>* Cookie settings in your browser aren't allowing cookies for the 
>Windows boxs' domain.
Another good point but ok for now (problem exists even with my 
dangerously unsecured test install of IE )

>* The URI path of the sites' cookies don't match on the two boxes. 
>See session.cookie_path.
>* Is a custom session handler being used?  See session.save_handler 
>and session_set_save_handler().
>* Is session.auto_start off?
>Do some grepping of the offending script directories to find out.
yes, thanks.

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