[nycphp-talk] Whats a Competitive Salary for PHP Dev

edward potter edwardpotter at
Thu Apr 13 23:19:18 EDT 2006

This is where I have an amazing advatage by living out of NYC.

This Summer, for $850 a month I can get a great 1 bedroom, a car (with
insurance), and  a months worth of food, with lots left over.  Of
course I have to go to Canada for Sushi!  (Ok, add taxes, etc, but
still a heck of a bargain!).

Movie night?  $3.50.  Just saw V for Vendeta, but I'll have to wait
till I get to NYC to see the new Bjork film, that for sure will not
make it up here. But hey, Netflix, FedEx and Paypal can save the day.

It is very, very rural here (20 mins from the Canadian border).
However we have 4 - 5 mbs wireless connections everywhere. 2 years ago
there was nothing I'm told.,+potdam,+new+york+13676&ll=45.660127,-74.838867&spn=5.313602,17.841797

And I'm sure I can match a $75K -  $120,000K a year NYC programmer
with portfolio and skills.  Diving into Ajax/JSON now!

:-) ed

On 4/13/06, Andrew Yochum <andrew at> wrote:
> On Thu, Apr 13, 2006 at 06:05:47PM -0400, csnyder wrote:
> > On 4/13/06, tedd <tedd at> wrote:
> > > I recently saw a part time php programming position offered on guru
> > > for 4-5 hours per day and it paid $300 per month (no lie).
> >
> > That sounds perfect for a guru. The trick with a job like that is to
> > do everything they want in 1 hour, and spend the rest of the time
> > moonlighting on better-paying gigs.
> Not sure what Chris is smoking, but $300 per month isn't even enough for
> 1 hour per day, IMO!
> > David, ask for $100/hr, but accept $80,000 a year.
> I concur.  Depending on level of expertise and skillset, I'd say rock
> bottom is $70k, on up to $120k or more per year.
> > Good luck, and welcome to NYC.
> The monthly NYPHP meetings are a great place to network and have a good
> time.  Good luck David.
> Regards,
> Andrew
> --
> Andrew Yochum
> Plexpod
> andrew at
> 718-360-0879
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