[nycphp-talk] Building trees

Allen Shaw ashaw at
Fri Jul 28 08:37:33 EDT 2006

An important question, then, is how much the structure will change vs. 
how much it will be read.  As with many things, you save with one but 
pay more for the other, and you have to decide where to cut your losses. 
  Only you know the answer, of course, but it seems like people wouldn't 
be changing 'events' as much as they'd be reading about them, no?

- Allen

Brian O'Connor wrote:
> I'm using mysql (sorry, should have posted it on that list instead of talk).
> I looked into the NSM, however my fear is the insert / update time.  The 
> site is based on flexibility of being able to change your 'events'. 
> I'm still weighing the pros and cons of each method.
> Thanks for all the input, its greatly appreciated.
> - Brian

Allen Shaw
Polymer (

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