[nycphp-talk] DTD choice help?

inforequest 1j0lkq002 at
Sat Jun 10 14:02:50 EDT 2006

-sry Boston |nyphp dev/internal group use| wrote:

>You know, I've been on this list for what, a couple of years now? Reading,
>learning (a little) but not much since I still haven't DONE anything! My big
>obstacle is nuisance factor - I don't own my server, I rent from GoDaddy
>and therefore, don't have my HOTB and in the end, it has just seemed
>easier to stick to hand-coded HTML.  *finally* I'm thinking it's going the
>other way.
Don't let hosting stop you. I sart people on dreamhost with the L1 
Monthly if they are just getting their feet wet (I give them code 
"tenbucks" to get it for $10). That's $10 to be all set with no 
commitment. For those doing a website from the start, I give out code 
"try92" which is $92 off the prepaid year, which means you get that 
first year for something like $25.

If you are a developer or coder you are very likely to switch hosts or 
add another hosting account in your first 6 months, so don't sweat the 
start and just get going. You can spend forever picking a webhost (or 
reading about advanced PHP issues - lol) but it's all about jumping in 
and trying.

-=john andrews

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