[nycphp-talk] [nycphp-jobs]

Dan Horning lists at
Thu May 25 23:59:06 EDT 2006

I feel that things like this can be much more credibly handled when
instead of starting what has the potential to become a flamewar on this
list (both sides included) these kinds of responses are best given to
the delete button. simply, the person couldn't fill the position for you
and was.... blah blah blah yadda yadda yadda... POOF!!! and the problem
is gone. none of us know the extent of what happened between you and the
other person. and now instead of just ignoring this minor thing you've
created credibility issues with both companies (in my mind at least) due
to reasons my little email may reveal to you both.

    being a member of nyphp since very early on I've watched a lot of
communications on this list. I'm up in albany and get very little chance
to see the people on here so i base my opinions solely on what i read
from an individuals postings and work as does everyone else to a degree.
This said as a suggestion i'd say "dont let things blow up in your face
when all you needed to do was filter or delete." flame wars can only
make alot of things worse and degrade the lists quality. please try not
to do this kind of email here - i've got a politcs list that's great for
flame wars - but believe me they can be tough at times. but that's not
here - that's there. i hope what i said here makes a bit of sense if not
- email me offlist and ask me any questions (dan a
thanks folks.

-Dan Horning

Richard Rosa wrote:
> Greetings All,
> A bit off-topic, but I think some of you may be interested in the ethics
> of a previous poster.
> Recently while we we're trying to fill a position, we reached out to
> Beau of Very quickly we decided that we
> could not adequately service our needs.
> In response to our posting this morning, Beau sent me a very pleasant
> message. Apparently he is HAPPY that we have NOT filled the position
> that we inquired about, so he felt the need to remind us about it.
> If you need more details, please contact me. I'm a speaker at the NYPHP
> conference next month and can tell you about my experience there too.

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