[nycphp-talk] MyBic Users: problems in Safari?

Dell Sala dell at
Sat Nov 4 09:12:02 EST 2006

Any MyBic users out there?

I've run into a situation where some remote requests are crashing  
Safari. I ran it down line-by-line and it seems to be in the  
Javascript JSON library that's bundled with MyBic. It chokes when it  
executes JSON.parse() while handling the request's response. Within  
JSON.parse() it looks like a validating regex is the offending line.

Admittedly, this is a Safari/JavaScript problem rather than a PHP or  
MyBic problem. Just thought some other MyBic users might have seen  
this problem. Anyone...?

BTW: I think MyBic is a great tool. Very light-weight, and easy to  
use. I've adapted the server-side code for my own purposes, but it  
has been a great way to get started with AJAX.

-- Dell

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