[nycphp-talk] [OT] live slide-show delivery via browser only

Allen Shaw ashaw at
Sat Nov 4 13:45:54 EST 2006

Hi Ed,

Yeah, I know.  That's what I was thinking, too: this ought to exist. I 
did google around quite a bit, but all I'm finding are apps to help me
put up a slideshow that the user pages through himself (for example, 
SlideshowPro and others).  What I really need, though, is the ability to 
let the *presenter* control the advance of the slides in
real time, as you would do in a meeting with people.

If I could find this existing, it would be a great thing.  I'd rather 
not create something from scratch if I can avoid it.


edward potter wrote:
> I suspect dozens of php slideshow applications out there, sorry I
> don't have the links, however Google  is your friend on this one.
> If you really want to do it right, Flash is probably your best bet,
> people have been doing this for year in Actionscript and have put
> together some very sophisticated applications that are way beyond what
> you can do with php/js.
> for example:
> :-)  ed
> On 11/3/06, charlie wang <natrindex at> wrote:
>>I use a slide show package to have live stock chart on my site. It migt not
>>be the one you are looking for:
>>If interested, you can find a link to the original package over there.

Allen Shaw
Polymer (

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