[nycphp-talk] OT: Recommendations for web hosting services with extremely good uptimes?

David A.Roth rothmail at
Tue Nov 14 10:46:08 EST 2006

It can have great prices, fast machines with tons of disk space, 
wonderful customer service and be totally Linux friendly, but if they 
are down 40 minutes or so at random times it isn't acceptable to an 
online catalog web site. While a promise of an uptime of 99% sounds 
near perfect, 1% downtime can be a lot especially when its at peak 
times. I might be expecting too much, and it might cost too much, but I 
thought I would post and see if anyone has recommendations and 
solutions for web hosting services that have better than what I have 
described in uptimes.

Thanks in advance,

David Roth
rothmail at

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