[nycphp-talk] OT: Recommendations for web hosting services with extremely good uptimes?

Burak Ueda subscriptions at
Thu Nov 16 00:29:02 EST 2006

Using Softlayer for my customers and for myself almost a year now.
They have 99.9% uptime SLA. There are 1~10 minutes of scheduled
maintenance down times in every 3-4 months. Most of them takes less than
5 minutes.
Network is amazing, staff is professional and prices are cheap. You can
get a pretty powerful box well under $200/mo
*however* they are UNMANAGED.  *but* they have a very good paid support
system. They will fix/install/update anything you want, for only $3 per
ticket. And they do it in minutes.

David A.Roth wrote:
> It can have great prices, fast machines with tons of disk space, 
> wonderful customer service and be totally Linux friendly, but if they 
> are down 40 minutes or so at random times it isn't acceptable to an 
> online catalog web site. While a promise of an uptime of 99% sounds 
> near perfect, 1% downtime can be a lot especially when its at peak 
> times. I might be expecting too much, and it might cost too much, but I 
> thought I would post and see if anyone has recommendations and 
> solutions for web hosting services that have better than what I have 
> described in uptimes.
> Thanks in advance,
> David Roth
> rothmail at
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