[nycphp-talk] Apache/PHP on MAC OSX

Rob Marscher rmarscher at
Wed Feb 14 17:17:28 EST 2007

I have XAMPP for Mac OSX running.  Seems to be ok... although the 
current version for my Intel-Mac installed PHP 5.2... so that's not a 
help for you. 

I sort of prefer compiling from source because there's usually something 
missing that I need from these apache/php bundles and they tend put 
things in weird places.  I had an extremely hard time figuring out how 
to compile some of the standard libraries from source until I came 
across this doc: - I has steps for 
libjpeg, libpng, freetype, zlib, and gd.

I haven't tried the remote debugger before.  Good luck!


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