[OT] Re: WAS Re: [nycphp-talk] And the HTML guru is.... NOW about Behavor Driven vs test Driven development

inforequest 1j0lkq002 at
Tue Jan 9 16:32:34 EST 2007

Jeff Knight |nyphp dev/internal group use| wrote:

> On 1/9/07, inforequest <1j0lkq002 at> wrote:
> Your replies whether on topic or not, always break gmail's threading.
> So for me, at least, they always stand as little islands of whatever
> the hell they are anyway. 

That's just an attention-getting tactic anyway.

Actually it's because I use a mail forwarder, and mailman doesn't allow 
me to post from anything but the original email address (which is 
imossible) or I donate my true email addresses to spam world (no thanks) 
or NYPHP gets a better mailer (not holding breath) or ......

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