WAS Re: [nycphp-talk] And the HTML guru is.... NOW about Behavor Driven vs test Driven development

csnyder chsnyder at
Tue Jan 9 20:33:31 EST 2007

On 1/9/07, inforequest <1j0lkq002 at> wrote:

> On a related topic, I've started looking at behavior-driven development
> (an "advance" from test driven development) and I like the concepts, but
> as usual there is "good coding" and all sorts of other things getting
> labeled as examples of behavior-driven development. It's great that more
> structure moves the new Javascript out of the html and into the CSS, but
> hat is real Bahevaior-Driven development to a PHP developer?

Um, would that be like making storyboards? Because that's what we used
to do back before we wrote tests for everything first. Or maybe I'm
confused, and that was Narrative Driven Development.

Or do you mean the so-called "behavior" approach to front-end
programming, where the class attributes of objects in markup are used
to create JavaScript objects on page load? Saves a lot of code, but
the routines used to find objects by class name are notoriously slow.

Chris Snyder

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