[nycphp-talk] Followup: Going weekly rate for php developer/coder in NYC these days?

Anirudh Zala arzala at
Thu Jan 18 23:36:07 EST 2007

On Thursday 18 January 2007 21:41, edward potter wrote:
> Ok, just to keep everyone up to date, based on interviews to date, the
> going rate for a 6 month contract with someone with a solid
> php/developer background/graduate degree in IT right now seems to top
> out out $60/hr based on a 6 month contract. A HOT flash programmer,
> "may" get up to $100 an hour for a short term assignment.
> Everyone seems to be SUPER hot on javascript/ajax/css integration
> applications.  The browser has become the boss. Some of the gui work
> I'm seeing is MIND blowing. Flash is used sparingly, but EVERYONE uses
> the flash player to deliver video.
> Mood in most offices?  Not anywhere as excited as the boom, but based
> on the world today, I can understand it. Most folks seem a bit grumpy
> and just happy to be employed. That WOW, we're going to change the
> world spark seems to have dimmed a bit, but who knows, I'm still
> optimistic.
> PS, outsourced to India, php rates start at about $10 per hour.  A NYC
> union electrician/plumber is about $85/hr. My NYU surgeon is $250/$350
> per follow-up visit, she seems to see 2/3 patients an hour. Surgery is
> about $16,000 - $22,000 for every hour under the knife. A NYC hospital
> stay is
> $10,000/ night -  includes fruit salad. :-)

$10,000/a night, Is it really true? And is surgery also counted by hours? It 
means to earn more money a surgeon can hold knife in his hands for 1 extra 
hour and he gets paid another 16 000 - 20 000$ ?

> In other words, a good health insurance policy is probably worth it no
> matter what the cost.
> yipes!
> -ed

Anirudh Zala
(Building standards)

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