[nycphp-talk] nyc php classes (night/long format)

Peter Sawczynec ps at
Wed Jun 13 11:34:54 EDT 2007

I have a 2-part series of very nice books published in 2003 by

Labeled as "PHP 5 Ready" and entitled: 
"The PHP Anthology - Object Oriented PHP Solutions, Vols I and II"

File handling, images, email, error handling and more; every project
executed step by step with classes only. I am not vouchsafing that these
examples are secure or the utlimate in best practice (that you must
explore on your own), but certainly a good starting point and I have not
found anything else that took you right into classes explaining
precisely by simple example without 250+ pages of abstract explanantion
(though in the long run you will absolutley positively definitely need
one such full-on abstract tome also). 

I have found in my own experience (in VB, VBScript, ASP, PHP, XML, SQL,
JavaScript, etc.), that every time you learn something and the author
hints that technically there is actually a more obscure, more difficult
to comprehend and harder to execute, more exacting technique that
handles more exceptions and degrades gracefully -- that the moment you
get invovled in even the most trivial commercial project you will
instantly discover that you absolutley must employ that more arcane,
more difficult programming technique to successfully handle even the
most minor task before you. 

That is why ultimately you will absolutely need an abstract learning
tome under your belt too.

Warmest regards, 
Peter Sawczynec 
Technology Dir. 
Web related services 
ps at


-----Original Message-----
From: talk-bounces at [mailto:talk-bounces at]
On Behalf Of David Krings
Sent: Wednesday, June 13, 2007 11:10 AM
To: NYPHP Talk
Subject: Re: [nycphp-talk] nyc php classes (night/long format)

Peter Sawczynec wrote:
  > Get a book that shows several rudimetary projects done with classes
> step by step coding. 

Being somewhat in the same boat as Jeremy, I'd be interested in any 
recommendations for books tthat show usage of classes. Unlike objects, I

have no idea what classes can do and are there for, although I haven't 
really used either (I used a few objects, such as the zip object).

I'm looking at a quite large project that I am likely to be allowed to 
do at work. I am convinced that I can accomplish it with the knowledge I

have now, but why not take that opportunity and learn something new.

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