[nycphp-talk] Embrace Dynamic PHP

Jake McGraw jmcgraw1 at
Fri Apr 25 09:06:54 EDT 2008

On Fri, Apr 25, 2008 at 8:49 AM, Daniel Convissor
<danielc at> wrote:
> On Thu, Apr 24, 2008 at 07:34:50PM -0400, Austin Smith wrote:
>  > Further, I've long wanted to write a very simple set of flexible helper
>  > functions for PHP newbies so they don't blow their brains out with things
>  > like mysql_query("insert into blog_entries values(0, "{$_POST['title']}",
>  > "{$_POST['body']}");
>  Fortunately, you haven't done so yet and thereby introduce the world to
>  another SQL Injection attack and path disclosure vulnerability. :)  You
>  have to escape input into the query and ensure $_POST variables actually
>  exist before using them to avoid PHP notices.
>  Of course, you can say you were just posting short hand.  But you were
>  being pretty specific in your example.
>  --Dan

Not necessarily true, secure string interpolation is coming soon:

- jake

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