[nycphp-talk] html 5

Allen Shaw ashaw at
Fri Feb 1 13:24:00 EST 2008

Scott Mattocks wrote:
> Allen Shaw wrote:
>> I agree it's a major feature, and I wonder why it's being deprecated, 
>> as I find it incredibly useful (I primarily design targeted 
>> applications, not public Web sites).
> I think one of the main arguments against accesskeys is that they 
> interfere with normal hotkeys in the browser and other applications. 
> In particular they can cause problems with screen readers and other 
> accessibility tools where being able to use crtl-A for an expected 
> operation is essential. If you override that functionality to access 
> an element, you have made the site useless to someone that depends on 
> a certain action to access a site.
Yeah, I think that's right.  Conflicts with screen reader functions and 
browser chrome are a recurring issue with accesskeys.  This is one 
reason why this guy <> was 
suggesting that accesskeys may not be especially useful except in 
intranet application or similar settings, in which you can develop for 
specific UAs.  That happens to be my situation for most projects, 
though, so the potential for such conflicts is far less of an issue for 
me than it might be for others.

- A.

Allen Shaw
slidePresenter (

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