[nycphp-talk] Best way to develop a PHP web system?

David Mintz david at
Fri Feb 22 13:07:17 EST 2008

I sometimes wonder -- and I know we are drifting OT here -- what to do where
you need both Zend Framework and something like Drupal to co-exist on one
site. ZF for your custom database type stuff, Drupal for CMS. Sure, easy to
install both independently, but how to keep the look (view, template,
what-have-you) in sync on both without going nuts?

On Fri, Feb 22, 2008 at 12:29 PM, Austin Smith <asmith at> wrote:

> <snip/>
> I would give +1 to Zend, which I've had great success with, but for a
> portal site, you may have to do too much heavy lifting with Zend. I still
> advocate Drupal, which will be easy to create a custom layout for, has a
> massive community, and a very good book.
> Austin
> On Fri, Feb 22, 2008 at 12:09 PM, Matt Juszczak <matt at> wrote:
> > How hard is it to take something like this and adapt it to an existing
> > HTML layout?  I don't mind RTFM, but I want to make sure if I invest the
> > time it can do what I want.<snip/>
> >
David Mintz

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