[nycphp-talk] Time Card / Scheduling Open Source Package

Gary Mort bz-gmort at
Wed Jan 2 17:15:17 EST 2008

Just about any project management software, such as BaseCamp, 
ActiveCollab, or Project Pier has time tracking abilities.

Erik Baker wrote:
> Hello All,
> I need to create a low-level time card & scheduling application.  It 
> will track contract employee hours, produce reports & time cards, and 
> allow scheduling of contract employees.  This is for contract 
> employees who work in the entertainment field, so forms for director 
> sign-off will be needed & some procedure built into the access of 
> information and generation of reports.  Does anyone know if parts of 
> this already exist in Open Source projects?  I would love not to have 
> to start from scratch on this one.
> Erik
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