[nycphp-talk] Upload progress meter

csnyder chsnyder at
Mon Jul 7 10:05:05 EDT 2008

On Mon, Jul 7, 2008 at 8:34 AM, Mark Armendariz <lists at> wrote:

> I also recommend swfupload.  Has a good deal of control over file types,
> files size and progress, and the best part is that it's all run via
> javascript (actual upload is done via swf, but the api is all js).

D'oh, I totally forgot about that! Plus you get styled upload controls.

The tradeoff with swfupload, as I understand it, is that you need to
have a process for temporarily associating the uploaded file(s) with a
form submission that gets POSTed separately.

Not a big deal, but it means that swfupload isn't always a drop-in
replacement for file inputs.

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