[nycphp-talk] Polling software

csnyder chsnyder at
Thu Sep 4 13:49:55 EDT 2008

On Thu, Sep 4, 2008 at 1:28 PM, justin <justin at> wrote:

> For Twitter based polling, it's hard to beat StrawPoll -

Nice, I had no idea that StrawPoll had gone "platform".

> Of that list, I've used PollDaddy and SurveyMonkey, and I think I like
> SurveyMonkey better. Be aware that most hosted poll providers use a
> tiered service approach, with limited free accounts.

We use SurveyMonkey at work. I hate the way the polls look--why aren't
standard html form controls good enough?--but it gets the job done and
you get a nice export of the results. Respondents are likely to have
seen it before, which can help your response rate.

As mentioned before, it's not really free if you use it for anything
interesting, but it's not exactly expensive, either. "Free" and
"survey engine" sounds like a privacy nightmare in the making to me.

Chris Snyder

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