[nycphp-talk] PHP hosting and standard tool-chain for newbie?

Michael B Allen ioplex at
Thu Apr 23 13:15:50 EDT 2009

2009/4/23 Peter Sawczynec <ps at>:
> A very plausible beginner production style:
> 1) Photoshop.
> Design original site in Photoshop.
> a) Photoshop has a learning curve, but once mastered sites that start in
> Photoshop and use all the great styling and layering tools come out
> looking more custom, unique and artistic. Plus, once Photoshop knowledge
> is gained, those skills overflow into the ability to handle all digital
> imagery manipulation needs both for personal and professional use.
> b) Photoshop has Save for Web feature that can be set to a custom output
> that includes XHTML, images, divs and layers positioned with CSS.
> 2) Dreamweaver.
> Handle site updates in Dreamweaver.
> a) Dreamweaver has very sophisticated point and click interface,
> excellent autocompletion, properties inspector, and code hints. Plus,
> one can set up "websites" to catalog assets and have site updating,
> where Dreamweaver automatically sends all new changes and needed assets
> via FTP up to the actual site.
> This site allows you to buy very deeply discounted fully licensed
> software as long as you or someone in your family can prove you are in
> any kind of school.
> Excellent academic pricing, as far as I have experienced. Go look at
> Adobe Suite prices there.

She's not looking to be a career developer. She's just doing this for
kicks at this point so I really need something free.

Is there a standard "Free" and "free" tool-chain?

> See this site for a ton of free online video tutorials that will be
> especially useful to a newbie.
> (You need to look hard for the freebies but they are there.)
> For some lowest price web hosting on a shoestring with decent 24 hr.
> tech support and plenty of online admin tools that will especially
> educate and challenge the novice, you can just try GoDaddy. $4.99 per
> mo. gets Linux, MySQL (4 or 5), and PHP (4 or 5), plus a ton of very
> popular opensource projects (blog, photo gallery, etc.) that one can
> "turn on and install" from the admin interface and then explore those
> too.

Perfect. That definitely fits my budget.

How does GoDaddy compare to HostGator?


> -----Original Message-----
> From: talk-bounces at [mailto:talk-bounces at]
> On Behalf Of Michael B Allen
> Sent: Wednesday, April 22, 2009 8:49 PM
> To: nyphp
> Subject: [nycphp-talk] PHP hosting and standard tool-chain for newbie?
> Hi,
> A young family member has a domain that I used to host until I started
> doing real business with credit cards and such at which point I had to
> shut her down. So now I'm wondering if I can find somewhere cheap to
> host her site where she can mess around with PHP and web design.
> What do you recommend for cheap PHP hosting?
> Also, what is the standard tool-chain for developing your HTML, PHP,
> JavaScript and then uploading it to your site? I use vim, tar and scp
> glued together with shell scripts but for her I'm hoping for a really
> simple point-n-click experience.
> She uses a Macbook.
> Mike
> --
> Michael B Allen
> PHP Active Directory Integration

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