[nycphp-talk] Java provides???

Paul A Houle paul at
Wed Aug 12 11:05:02 EDT 2009

Mitch Pirtle wrote:
> Recently I've taken to the approach of using PHP as the front end
> application scripting language, and building out RESTful services
> using java. This lets you take advantage of the best of both - PHP for
> fast prototyping, and java for the 'heavy lifting' behind a REST
> layer.
> I was recently asked what my 3 biggest complaints were about PHP, and
> one of them was not having an app container for a stateful service,
> like some sort of PHP equivalent to jetty etc.
    Watch out,  statefulness can be a road to hell.   The lack of state 
in one of the reasons why PHP apps are trouble free.  Cold Fusion,  
ASP.NET,  JSP and a lot of related environments tempt people to be 
sloppy about state and these often create horrible problems.

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