[nycphp-talk] Java provides???

David Krings ramons at
Wed Aug 12 18:41:27 EDT 2009

Ajai Khattri wrote:
> Personally, I dislike IDEs but to each their own.

Personally, I love a good IDE. For PHP I cannot think of a better one than 
NuSphere, even though I dispise their pricing model, which is still bargain 
bin compared to Zend Studio (which I could never figure out).
Sure, you can use some cryptic editor and it really gets your hands dirty, but 
you are also less efficient. Just things like code completion reduce the 
amount of silly typing errors. Can't get that from a text editor. Also, IDEs 
like NuSphere come with an integrated server, so you can right away see what 
you are doing.

Maybe the assembler developers who write firmware are fine with a simple 
editor that has some really basic functions, but anything higher than that, 
why wouldn't one want to use an IDE?


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