[nycphp-talk] Working with designers

lists at lists at
Sun Aug 30 10:15:36 EDT 2009

Ajai Khattri wrote:
>> I suppose that's partly because designers' creativity is by nature
>> visually oriented, whereas programming requires more of a... I'm not
>> sure what to call it... maybe creativity of logic?
> It requires mental visualization of abstract concepts and models, i.e. 
> exactly the opposite of a visually-oriented process.

Excellent and very accurate description. That one's going in my notes.

>> It's too bad that there's often so much misunderstanding and friction
>> between the two--it's sort of like beauty of form vs. beauty of
>> function. IMO, the best applications embody both by being so elegantly
>> designed (both visually & functionally) that they are nearly
>> invisible--i.e. they allow the end user to perform tasks without having
>> to spend a bunch of time trying to figure out how things work.
> Remember "Hackers & Painters"? More similar than different...

Actually, I'd never heard of it till you mentioned it, so I looked it
up--sounds interesting.


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