[nycphp-talk] Frameworks & Fast Iterations

David Mintz vtbludgeon at
Mon Jul 27 09:51:59 EDT 2009

On Mon, Jul 27, 2009 at 6:25 AM, Petros Ziogas <petros.ziogas at>wrote:

> Actually I am referring to those exact features.
> Zend decided to change the way a project is deployed using Zend Bootstrap,
> Loader and Zend Tool.
> So suddenly all documentation refers to code that looks completely
> different than the code I wrote 6 months ago.
> Zend has done a great job documenting all their classes but simply leaves
> out the proccess of gluing those parts together. As I was developing a site
> in 1.6 I managed to read my way through it and finally get the framework to
> start and my classes to communicate and autoload. After that it was just PHP
> as usual and I loved it.
> So I get back to develop something completely different and I realise that
> on 1.8 there is Bootstrap and Loader that completely change the way a
> project should start. Also I must use a command line tool to add actions.
> And the documentation just fails to mention what I can do if I don't want to
> use Zend Tool. So now I have to read again to find out what Zend wants me to
> do to get the application of the ground.Thank God there are people bloging
> about it.
> In my opinion changing the fundamental details that makes a framework
> difficult to use, is a very bad move, and to be honest I thought that Zend
> would do better than that.
> Most challenging thing on Zend is to find out how to start (Bootstrap) and
> get a simple page up showing (View) a database record (Db) to people that
> have access to it (Auth and Acl). If you change a great part of that every 6
> months what's the point?
> note: I think there is great potential in using frameworks that is why I
> used Zend framework and will use it again. I am just a little frustrated
> these days with Zend_Tool and Bootstraping.
> Petros Ziogas
I too am pissed about the BC breakage and general bloat and complexity, but
in fairness I think a ZF black belt would tell you, you are not obligated to
use Zend_Tool or the (hideously complicated) bootstrapping and classloading
stuff if you don't care to.

David Mintz

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