[nycphp-talk] Frameworks & Fast Iterations

Jake McGraw jmcgraw1 at
Mon Jul 27 15:01:15 EDT 2009

On Mon, Jul 27, 2009 at 9:51 AM, David Mintz<vtbludgeon at> wrote:
> On Mon, Jul 27, 2009 at 6:25 AM, Petros Ziogas <petros.ziogas at>
> wrote:
>> Actually I am referring to those exact features.
>> Zend decided to change the way a project is deployed using Zend Bootstrap,
>> Loader and Zend Tool.
>> So suddenly all documentation refers to code that looks completely
>> different than the code I wrote 6 months ago.
>> Zend has done a great job documenting all their classes but simply leaves
>> out the proccess of gluing those parts together. As I was developing a site
>> in 1.6 I managed to read my way through it and finally get the framework to
>> start and my classes to communicate and autoload. After that it was just PHP
>> as usual and I loved it.
>> So I get back to develop something completely different and I realise that
>> on 1.8 there is Bootstrap and Loader that completely change the way a
>> project should start. Also I must use a command line tool to add actions.
>> And the documentation just fails to mention what I can do if I don't want to
>> use Zend Tool. So now I have to read again to find out what Zend wants me to
>> do to get the application of the ground.Thank God there are people bloging
>> about it.
>> In my opinion changing the fundamental details that makes a framework
>> difficult to use, is a very bad move, and to be honest I thought that Zend
>> would do better than that.
>> Most challenging thing on Zend is to find out how to start (Bootstrap) and
>> get a simple page up showing (View) a database record (Db) to people that
>> have access to it (Auth and Acl). If you change a great part of that every 6
>> months what's the point?
>> note: I think there is great potential in using frameworks that is why I
>> used Zend framework and will use it again. I am just a little frustrated
>> these days with Zend_Tool and Bootstraping.
>> Petros Ziogas
> I too am pissed about the BC breakage and general bloat and complexity, but
> in fairness I think a ZF black belt would tell you, you are not obligated to
> use Zend_Tool or the (hideously complicated) bootstrapping and classloading
> stuff if you don't care to.

Zend_Tool/Application_Bootstrap were developed to address features
lacking from the pre-1.8 Zend Framework. They standardized the method
for creating a new project and introduced a new set of classes
representing the bootstrapping process. Going from the project
creation, bootstrapping process of pre-1.8, I can understand how there
may have been some confusion.

When you rely on a third party library to drive core components of
your infrastructure, part of your day to day development process
should include keeping abreast with changes to that library. There are
a myriad of benefits from utilizing free open source software, one of
the most important benefits is the fact that you can participate in
the development process. If you don't have the time or the resources
to give back to the code base, run betas or nightly releases, provide
feedback on architecture changes and log bugs in the public bug

None of the changes introduced in ZF 1.8+ happened overnight or in the dark.

Announcements were made on the listserv:

Through core developers blogs:

They even made videos on how to use the new features!

Hope that helps,
- jake

> --
> David Mintz
> The subtle source is clear and bright
> The tributary streams flow through the darkness
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