[nycphp-talk] Learned one CMS and want to move on.

Ajai Khattri ajai at
Mon Jul 27 17:38:43 EDT 2009

On Mon, 27 Jul 2009, Glenn Powell wrote:

> You can probably get Drupal things done very quickly compared to  
> others at your workplace... quick=profit (or getting the job in the  
> first place.)
> I would guess that your career development is not at the top of the  
> priority list for your employer.
> Maybe there is a compromise?

A few ideas:

1. Maybe offer to mentor someone else to become proficient in Drupal too - 
allowing you to work on non-Drupal stuff?

2. Learn some other technology in your own time and use it in a project. 
(Or use it in a personal project).

3. Explain how bad it would be for the company if you had to leave, so 
have them let you work on some non-Drupal projects for part of your time.

4. Ask if they can pay for training for you - explain how much more 
projects they can bid on and get if they have a more diversified work 


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