[nycphp-talk] Learned one CMS and want to move on.

y2rob at y2rob at
Tue Jul 28 10:33:10 EDT 2009

hello anthony,
sorry to hear your troubles, yeah unfortunately these are strange times for progammers. ?the demand is less and people want programmed miracles in days, opposed to weeks and it's safer to use test driven platforms like drupal or joomla, which has a ton of user support as well as multiple modules to solve every client's question, than to build your own.

the only thing i can suggest is this, you know drupal and you know it's problems, take what you know of drupal, pick up a framework, which you feel is the best for your needs and construct a cms from that. ?it will be the most fun for you and it's not drupal, while it's still a platform your employer might be interested in using as an alternative if you choose to share it with him/her. ?i mean protect what's yours and see if you can make money of it as well, imo :)

just my 2 cents,


-----Original Message-----
From: Ajai Khattri <ajai at>
To: NYPHP Talk <talk at>
Sent: Mon, Jul 27, 2009 5:38 pm
Subject: Re: [nycphp-talk] Learned one CMS and want to move on.

On Mon, 27 Jul 2009, Glenn Powell wrote:

> You can probably get Drupal things done very quickly compared to  
> others at your workplace... quick=profit (or getting the job in the  
> first place.)
> I would guess that your career development is not at the top of the  
> priority list for your employer.
> Maybe there is a compromise?

A few ideas:

1. Maybe offer to mentor someone else to become proficient in Drupal too - 
allowing you to work on non-Drupal stuff?

2. Learn some other technology in your own time and use it in a project. 
(Or use it in a personal project).

3. Explain how bad it would be for the company if you had to leave, so 
have them let you work on some non-Drupal projects for part of your time.

4. Ask if they can pay for training for you - explain how much more 
projects they can bid on and get if they have a more diversified work 


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