[nycphp-talk] Drupal Framework / CMS Question

Mitch Pirtle mitch.pirtle at
Mon Oct 12 22:36:44 EDT 2009

On Mon, Oct 12, 2009 at 12:54 AM, Ajai Khattri <ajai at> wrote:
> On Sun, 11 Oct 2009, Mitch Pirtle wrote:
>> The Joomla project is actually splitting out the framework for
>> separate distribution
> "Is" meaning in the future but not right now?

It is a project that is taking place right now. I'm not involved in it
so I cannot promise when it will be done, but there is a new developer
resource that is going up specifically for stuff that is not the CMS,
but the framework and other non-CMS things (as well as some really
experimental stuff to play with).

>> as many folks don't realize that the standard
>> Joomla 1.5 download actually contains:
>> * Joomla framework
>> * Joomla installation app (uses framework)
>> * Joomla front end app (uses framework)
>> * Joomla back end app (uses framework)
> Of course, it is the source of much confusion. Your 'insider' knowledge of
> Joomla means its probably clear to you which parts are the framework and
> which are not. Unfortunately its not clear to us. Is there a framework
> site? Are there any definitive docs? Any tutorials? To *me*, the Jommla
> docs have always been rather lacking.

You should have attended my Joomla Extension Development talk at
Joomla Day this morning :^P

-- Mitch

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