[nycphp-talk] YAML and Database Definitions

Gary Mort garyamort at
Wed Feb 10 07:42:33 EST 2010

Both Doctrine and Andromeda use YAML files to describe the database[tables,
columns, etc].

I had assumed[bad idea] that meant that YAML was widely used in that regard
and there was a standardized YAML definition for database definitions.

Now I'm in a bind....since I was talking to my father about that and it's
one of the few new technologies he's actually interested in[he worked mainly
with DB2 and other IBM offerings...seeing that he bleeds blue.... and has
since retiring mainly been doing work in Access....yeah yeah, access is ugly
and let's you design bad databases, but if you already have the database
DESIGN skills in spades, Access lets you design a full blow application that
you can give to someone else to use without them needing to install anything
but access.  So he uses it for things like cemetery plot usage applications
for his cemetery....endangered animal tracking on his property, etc].

So now I'm wondering is YAML used in such a manner and is there a standard
definition for how to use YAML, or is both Doctrine and Andromeda simply
rolling their own systems?  I don't want to point him to the main YAML site,
because frankly outside of database design he really has no interest in
learning another millionth computer language.

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