[nycphp-talk] Running PHP On IIS Express

Rukbat rukbat at
Fri Aug 19 08:34:21 EDT 2011

For a number of reasons, most of our web servers are *nix, so for the 
one box that had to be Windows (no way to talk to RDB7 on a Vax from 
*nix at the time), I kept to the same server.  We do have a few boxes 
running IIS, but to me that feels like wearing a skirt - it's something 
someone else does.  Nothing wrong with it, I just don't do it.

I've never done a head-to-head, and I'm sure runs on IIS, 
but there's another aphorism - if it's not broke, don't fix it.

On 8/19/2011 5:31 AM, Justin Dearing wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 18, 2011 at 10:08 PM, Rukbat <rukbat at 
> <mailto:rukbat at>> wrote:
>     I've been running PHP on an Apache server on a Win2k box for years. 
> Out of curiosity why not IIS? Does apache perform better? Also, if you 
> actually benchmarked it, have to tried again recently on a modern 
> version of Windows and PHP? Microsoft has put a lot of time into 
> making PHP suck less on Windows. If you use FastCGI as opposed to 
> ISAPI and an un-threaded 32-bit build of PHP, IIS performance is 
> really good.
> I never put PHP on Apache for windows and IIS in a head to head 
> comparison though. I always did PHP on IIS because when in Rome ....

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