[nycphp-talk] Battle Of Braces - Round 2 PHP - July 20

Robert Kim App and Facebook Marketing evdo.hsdpa at
Mon Jul 2 01:37:25 EDT 2012


is the 20th a fixed date... i know several others who would be able to
attend the day before or after instead... lemme know!

On Sun, Jul 1, 2012 at 11:54 PM, Federico Ulfo <rainelemental at>wrote:

> Hi,
> Battle of Braces is a cross platform hackaton that take place in Meetup HQ
> with great developers. Yesterday Round 1: Javascript was incredibly fun and
> there were few very interesting application that might become a startup,
> such as the winner Hackadoo, a split screen game where win who code faster
> and OutToLunch <>, the app all
> the offices needs to organize where to go for lunch.
> The Round 2: PHP - July 20, will be a great occasion to socialize with
> other PHP fellows, challenge yourself as developer and as a team, learn and
> discover, beers. To be more persuasive, there are prices, the winner of the
> BOB will be

Robert Q Kim
iPhone App and Android App Programmers Lead in Seoul
English Speaking Team Location:
2611 S Coast Highway
San Diego, CA 92007
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