[nycphp-talk] Battle Of Braces - Round 2 PHP - July 20

Federico Ulfo rainelemental at
Mon Jul 2 10:14:38 EDT 2012

My bad, here is the link to the event:

The date is July 20, the the organizer, the place their
headquarter, start at 9AM and finish at 11PM, so it is only for hardcore
hackers that want to spend an entire day coding and chatting with great

On Mon, Jul 2, 2012 at 1:37 AM, Robert Kim App and Facebook Marketing <
evdo.hsdpa at> wrote:

> Federico,
> is the 20th a fixed date... i know several others who would be able to
> attend the day before or after instead... lemme know!
> On Sun, Jul 1, 2012 at 11:54 PM, Federico Ulfo <rainelemental at>wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Battle of Braces is a cross platform hackaton that take place in Meetup
>> HQ with great developers. Yesterday Round 1: Javascript was incredibly fun
>> and there were few very interesting application that might become a
>> startup, such as the winner Hackadoo, a split screen game where win who
>> code faster and OutToLunch <>,
>> the app all the offices needs to organize where to go for lunch.
>> The Round 2: PHP - July 20, will be a great occasion to socialize with
>> other PHP fellows, challenge yourself as developer and as a team, learn and
>> discover, beers. To be more persuasive, there are prices, the winner of the
>> BOB will be
> --
> Robert Q Kim
> iPhone App and Android App Programmers Lead in Seoul
>  English Speaking Team Location:
> 2611 S Coast Highway
> San Diego, CA 92007
> 310 598 1606
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