[nycphp-talk] Programs rights and Lic etc.

Rukbat rukbatsramblings at
Tue Feb 5 15:35:29 EST 2013

My usually way of handling this sort of thing is to figure out how much 
I'll make by using it over and over, and charging the sole client that 
muc h.  So you offer him exclusive rights for X or right-to-use for 
X/100 (whatever you figure the two values are).  So does he want to pay 
$5,000 or $500,000?  If he thinks right-to-use is expensive, wait until 
he hears what exclusive right to sell software costs.  (Microsoft 
doesn't make $5,000 on a new version of Windows.  Use that as an example.)

I'd rather not do the job than give the work away for less than I think 
it's worth to me.

On 2/5/2013 3:01 PM, Edgar Reyes wrote:
> From the conversation we had it seemed as if he wanted to resale it or 
> might resale it in the future, he's argument was why am I going to pay 
> all this money for something I don't own, I told him ones I'm done it, 
> will be yours to use as you please you own that copy, but you cant 
> resale copies to other people / companies.
> ER

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