[nycphp-talk] MODXpo: Cologne, Germany - November 2013

Hans C. Kaspersetz hans at
Tue Sep 17 01:24:28 EDT 2013

Good evening everyone,

As some of you know, I am a MODX Ambassador thus it is my responsibility to
evangelize occasionally and spread the word.   MODX is holding  conference
in Germany this year and some of you might want to attend.

Join as many as 300 MODXers from around the world and members of the MODX
team in Cologne, Germany on November 1 and 2, for two full days of
2013 <>.

About MODXpo
MODXpo is the official, international MODX user conference. MODX
developers, designers and site builders gather to learn, share, explore and
network. Our first MODXpo was held in Dallas, in 2010 and last
year<> was
held in the city of Utrecht in the Netherlands. If you've not been to a
MODXpo, this is the event for you.

MODXpo 2013 Highlights
There are top-notch keynotes, presentations, workshops, and much more, from
well known MODX community members including Susan Ottwell, Mark Hamstra and
Gauke Pieter Sietzema. Ryan Thrash, MODX Co-founder, will present his State
of MODX and showcase the past, present and future of MODX. Other great
sessions include: responsive development tools, continuous deployment,
scaling and high availability, how not to build MODX sites, case studies,
contributing to MODX and much more. In addition, there will be plenty of
time for making connections and code.

More Info
For complete details including the schedule <>
, location <> and more, please go to http://

Sponsors Welcome
A high-caliber conference like MODXpo would not be possible without
generous sponsors <>. In exchange for their
generosity, MODXpo sponsors get to a promote their business to both the
conference attendees and the MODX universe, at large. For MODX-based
companies that can't make it to MODXpo 2013, becoming a
sponsor<> is
a great way for you to show support for the free software that powers your

Warmest regards,

Hans C. Kaspersetz, President
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